
AFUA selected for Talent Development Program “Centraal”

By June 7, 2018 April 21st, 2020 No Comments

Centraal replaces the talent development program: One Night Stand. In this six-part drama series, every episode will be created by a different team of directors, screenwriters and producers. The episodes will all be stand-alone projects, but they all have one thing in common: they meet each other at Rotterdam Central Station. During the writing process of Centraal, the teams work as a group under directions of screenwriter Mieke de Jong to tie the six screenplays together.

When Afua can’t go on a school trip, she feels angry and alone. The whole world – and especially her mother – can go to hell. But then she bumps into the few years older Naz, who offers her a way to an alternative thrill.

Afua is written by Ilse Ott and will be directed by Sia Hermanides.

The film will be produced in co-production with NTR, BNNVARA and VPRO.